The Kennedy Lab has several accomplished undergraduates who are graduating this year. Especially in this time of such drastic changes in end of the year festivities we wanted to celebrate their work and wish them well.
The first of our graduates is Bethany Rounds.

Bethany Rounds graduated with a major in Ecology and Conservation Biology with the Conservation Biology option.
Bethany's ECB project investigated morphological variation in garter snake populations in the Big Creek basin of central Idaho. She was co-advised by Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Luke Harmon. She presented her final project, "Snakes on a Flood Plain: Observations of Western Terrestrial Garter Snakes in a Riparian habitat" as her final ECB presentation and as a poster in the University of Idaho OUR Undergraduate Research Symposium.
We wish Bethany the best of luck as she moves on to new adventures. Congratulations!
You can continue to follow Bethany's work at her website.
