The Kennedy Lab has active research projects throughout Idaho, as well as elsewhere in the United States and the world. The galleries below showcase the work and adventures of the members of our lab over the years.
Our work in the Frank Church wilderness includes studies of the geochemical and geomorphic elements of a wilderness basin, as well as Chinook salmon ecology in Big Creek and the Middle fork Salmon River
Lapwai Creek has provided a site for long-term study of steelhead population dynamics in the presence of varied land-use and water withdrawal affects. Our work includes more than a decade of data on population and food web changes.
Our ongoing study of Snake River fall Chinook salmon life history includes more than a decade of data on juvenile movement. We use otolith microchemistry to reconstruct movement of juveniles in response to their environment
The lab has also been involved in work in diverse locations across the globe including Costa Rica, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and others. Beyond that the lab members are always out doing something fantastic and sharing their pictures here.